
rijadeja app

One app for all exams

You can download our mobile app and start your competitive exam preparation anywhere, anytime! You can get almost everything in this app including Exam information, study material, GK in Gujarati, Current Affairs, MCQ Quizzes and more… Start your exam preparation and get your dream Govt Job now.

Govt Job Updates

Real-time job updates including Govt. Jobs in Gujarat and Govt. Jobs in India.

Exam Information

All exam information at-glance including exam structure, eligibilities, book list etc…

Daily Current Affairs

To-the-point category wise daily current affairs in Gujarati for your exam preparation.

MCQ Quizzes

Real-time job updates Test your knowledge by GK & Current Affairs Quizzes, True / False quiz & multi-player GK challenge.

Daily GK

Start your day with fact about today! We covers almost all day in this section with full facts.

GK in Gujarati

Subject wise Quality GK material / pdf files. Start reading General Knowledge anywhere, anytime!

current affairs

Current Affairs

To-the-point latest daily current affairs in Gujarati for all types of competitive exams. Weekly magazine named Monday Musings is also available as collection of daily news.

gk in gujarati

GK in Gujarati

Category wise high quality General Knowledge PDF files including all subjects. We have covered almost all subjects for your competitive exam preparation in Gujarati.

study material

Study Material

High quality study material for almost all competitive exams i.e. GPSC, GSSSB, GPSSB, Police Bharti etc… You need to register yourself (its free!) to access material.

Video Tutorials

Watch high quality Video Tutorials for your competitive exam preparation and learn like live class!

Current Affairs Magazine

Monday Musings is Current Affairs e-Magazine published since 2012 by RIJADEJA.com. You can get exam-oriented and to-the-point current affairs news in this magazine. Start reading Monday Musings and don’t worry about current affairs section for your competitive exam preparation.

Why RIJADEJA.com ?

RIJADEJA.com is Gujarat’s first and largest education portal where you can get everything for your competitive exam preparation for Govt Jobs!

What we provide?

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Welcome to RIJADEJA.com – Your Gateway to Success in Government Jobs and Competitive Exams

Founded in 2010, RIJADEJA.com is dedicated to empowering job seekers and students in Gujarat and across India by providing comprehensive resources for government job preparation. Our platform is designed to be a one-stop solution for all your exam preparation needs, offering everything from the latest govt. job notifications to in-depth study materials, online quizzes, and current affairs updates.

Our Mission

At RIJADEJA.com, our mission is to make high-quality educational resources accessible to everyone. We aim to help students and job aspirants excel in their competitive exams and secure their dream government jobs. By offering free and premium resources, we strive to level the playing field for all candidates, ensuring that everyone has the tools they need to succeed.

What We Offer

Government Job Updates

Stay informed with the latest government job openings in Gujarat and across India. We provide timely updates on all major job notifications, ensuring you never miss an opportunity.

Comprehensive Study Material

Our extensive library of study materials covers all subjects and topics essential for competitive exams like GPSC, UPSC, GSSSB, and more. Whether you’re preparing for a state-level exam or a national-level test, our resources are tailored to meet your needs.

Online Quizzes

Test your knowledge and track your progress with our wide range of online quizzes. These quizzes are designed to mimic actual exam conditions, helping you build confidence and improve your time management skills.

Daily & Weekly Current Affairs

Stay ahead with our daily current affairs updates and our exclusive weekly current affairs magazine, Monday Musings. Available in Gujarati, this magazine is a trusted resource for exam aspirants who want to stay informed about the latest developments.

General Knowledge in Gujarati

Enhance your general knowledge with our curated content available in Gujarati. This section is particularly useful for candidates appearing for exams that test regional language skills and local knowledge.

Why Choose RIJADEJA.com?

  • Trusted Resource: With over a decade of experience, RIJADEJA.com has become a trusted name in the educational community, helping thousands of students achieve their career goals.
  • Regular Updates: Our content is regularly updated to ensure that you have access to the most current information and study materials.
  • User-Friendly Platform: Our website is designed to be easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find the resources they need quickly.
  • Mobile Accessibility: With our mobile app, you can access all our resources on the go, making it easier than ever to prepare for your exams anytime, anywhere.

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