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Govt Jobs in Gujarat

View Govt. Jobs in India

Job TitleLast date for applicationMore Details
IITGN RA, PA, PDF & Project Assistant Recruitment 202520/04/2025View
MSU Baroda Recruitment 2025: Apply for Research Assistant post31/03/2025View
ONGC Recruitment 2025: Apply for Junior Consultant and Associate Consultant Posts27/03/2025View
AMC 58 Sahayak Driver cum Pump Operator Recruitment 202527/03/2025View
JMC Tax Officer, Accountant, DEE, Jr. Clerk & Others Recruitment 202508/04/2025View
GSRTC Rajkot Apprentice Recruitment 202505/04/2025View
District Health Society Bharuch Staff Nurse and Pharmacist Recruitment 202519/03/2025View
GNFSU Recruitment 2025: Apply for Class 1, 2 and 3 for Various Posts26/03/2025View
GSACS Ahmedabad Assistant Director and State Prevention Officer Recruitment 202524/03/2025View
GMC Municipal Civil Engineer and Housing Finance Specialist Recruitment 202515/03/2025View
GACL Executive Director (Technical) and General Manager (R&D) Recruitment 202523/03/2025View
SDAU Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment 202525/03/2025View
GPSC Class 1 & 2 Recruitment 2025: Apply Online for 244 Gujarat Civil Services & Other Posts23/03/2025View
GPSSB 665 Sub Accountant / Sub Auditor, Sub Treasury Officer, Livestock Inspector & Others Recruitment 202525/04/2025View
GPSC 736 Account Officer, RFO, ACF, Asst. Engineer & Others Recruitment 202515/03/2025View
GTU Teaching and Non-Teaching Recruitment 202517/03/2025View
How can I get government job in Gujarat?

You can get Government job in Gujarat by appearing in various Class I, Class II and Class III competitive exams i.e. GPSC Class 1-2 Exam, GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Exam, Police Recruitment Board Exam, Panchayat Exams, GSSSB Exams etc.

How do I apply for Government Jobs in Gujarat?

Government of Gujarat has developed separate website named OJAS OR Online Job Application System. You can check this website and apply for currently available Govt Jobs as per your eligibility. Moreover, you can visit rijadeja.com website to get all govt job info at single place or download our app to get real-time updates on the go!

Which qualification / degree required to get Government Job?

In these days, most jobs are based on 12th Passed and Graduate level. For example, GPSC Class 1-2, GPSC Chief Officer, GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar / DySO, PSI / ASI etc exam requires graduation (in any stream). Other Clerk level exams i.e. Panchayat Clerk, Revenue Clerk, Police Constable / Lok Rakshak (LRD) etc requires 12th Passed to get Jobs in Gujarat Government.

What is the age limit for Govt Job?

In Gujarat, 12th passed level exam’s age limit is 18 to 32 years and Graduate level Job’s age limit is 21 to 35 years for General category candidates. There’re also exception in age limit for reserved categories i.e. ST, SC, SEBC, EWS, Widow candidates, Ex-Service Man etc.

Which is the highest age limit in Govt Jobs?

In Gujarat, 45 years is highest age limit for any Govt Job. Generally this age limit applied in some conditions i.e. ST category widow candidate.

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